In june 2019, the third edition of our annual Bal du Cèdre took place in front of the National Museum of Beirut. We welcomed over five hundred guests, amongst which personalities from the Lebanese political, cultural and economic worlds.
Several entertainment shows were scheduled throughout the night, such as a performance from the Ballet Bejart, musical interventions from The Charbels and pianist Omar Rahbani. During this edition, a “Tribute to Women” was made and several key players in the welfare of children in Lebanon were honored: He. Mmes. Mona Hraoui, and Laila El Solh, Dr. Geneviève Begkoyian, and Mmes. Lama Salam, Mireille Girard, Viviane Debbas, Nadine Mokdessi, Tonia Chaoui, Marleine Eid and Karen Saliba.
once again we were extremely thankful for the support of the attendees and their generous donations that play a major role in the continuation of our mission,
It is worth noting that the “Bal du Cèdre” has one objective : to raise funds for the development of the Beirut Government University Hospital – Karantina’s neo-natal and pediatric section; which provides top quality service to all premature babies and sick children in need, with no discrimination whatsoever