About Us

Our journey begins at birth and goes far beyond!

Driven by the belief that every new life entering this world deserves the best care possible, ASSAMEH Birth and Beyond came to life in 2014 . We are a non-profit organization that specializes in the rehabilitation and management of pediatric wards in governmental hospitals, dedicated to the care of premature babies and newborns in need of medical support.

Every year Lebanon has around 18,000 premature births and there is a lack of adequate facilities, equipment, and medical staff to cater to the needs of these delicate newborns that are clinging to life. Adding to that, the care offered in private hospitals is extremely high and ranges between 20,000 – 30,000 dollars, and these hospitals tend to decline patients covered by the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) and the Ministry of Health (MOF).

Doctors take an oath “First, do no harm” and for us standing by idly was doing the opposite, so we had to make a change and take action to alleviate this situation.

Our Vision and Mission.

Our vision is for all underprivileged families to have access to the best level of care and treatment available.
Our mission is that no child should be denied the medical service they deserve regardless of financial status, nationality or any other discriminating factor.
Our goal is to save 1,500 babies per year.

The Carlos Slim center for children.

Our first mission was to take over the old ward of the Quarantina Hospital; currently known as “The Carlos Slim Center for Children”.

Through the support of generous donors and companies, we were able to acquire the latest medical equipment and create a leading prenatal facility.  In addition, we partnered with St. Georges Orthodox Hospital and The University of Balamand to transform the center into the first government university hospital in Lebanon.

The future depends on you.

Our aim is to go further and embark on new projects.

We count on your support, every donation goes towards offering a baby the chance of a better life.


Meet Our Executive Committee


Prof. Robert Sacy

Vice President & Treasurer

Aboud Chami

Senior Program Coordinator

Marc Sacy

PR Manager

Caroline Bacha

Financial Controller

Robert Prince

Social Assistant

Dalal Demerdjian

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