PR Manager

Caroline Bacha

I am an outgoing person and human contact is what drives me the most. That is why I have always had other ambitions than working at a desk. Consequently my job as PR at ASSAMEH B&B could not suit me best.

I worked as HR in a bank and I sharpened there many communication skills that my job requires today. This position was flexible and gave me the opportunity to take care of my children (I have now 4). But at some point I resigned and I fully dedicated myself at raising them.

A few years later, I started working again. I have known Doctor Sacy since the birth of my 18-year-old daughter. The moment he founded ASSAMEH Birth and Beyond, an NGO with great cause and purpose, I knew I had to volunteer. I had many different jobs: coordination, correspondence, distribution antenna, link between foreign organizations and Lebanon… Working in different positions was very instructive and it still helps me nowadays working for ASSAMEH B&B. I am thus now fully involved in the organization and I manage the events and the fundraising.

I am truly against injustice, and especially when it comes to hopeless newborns. That is why I joined forces with Doctor Sacy and have helped him thanks to my numerous previous experiences.

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